Im going to be making a new scratch movie called scratch wars. It will have people from scratch and the scratch characters. It will also be placed in different areas in scratch. If you want to be in it, know a scratch character u want to see in it, or a area post a reply.
This is the galley for it. Post characters and areas in it-
The deadline is going to be June 17, 2008
Team Scratch-
The Scratch Cat-Team Leader
Dragon- Air Commandor
Troll-General of Soldiers
Fantasy Collection-Soldiers
Knight- Fighter
Team Scratchers
DingDong- Team Leader
Team Sprites
Dirtbiker- Made by dingdong- Bomber
Pounder 1 & 2- Made by dingdong- Fighters
Smiley- Made by Hoopla- Soldier
Dark Link- Ripped by Bobby500- Soldier
The Evil Ones
Last edited by Sakani (2008-06-08 21:29:54)
dingdong wrote:
make a bunch of scratch cats fight each other! make there be like the black coat scratch cats, orange hat cats, and so on, and they'll fight each other for the scratch website!
no my idea is its a war between parts of scratch. what i want is certain sprites that i should use. I have some of team scratch so far.
Sakani wrote:
dingdong wrote:
OK put in mario and some other characters, and you can use some of my characters from my games if you want to, like the pounders and you could have the dirt bikers run over enemies!
That is a good idea.
Im going to use the pounders and a dirt biker
Hey, use Dark link from my adventure game.
Please use Smiley from my "Smiley and Edwin" cartoons!
He's a monkey!