( [any reporter here] of user [user ^] in mesh session )
Reports the reporter of the user in the mesh session.
[start mesh API and invite user [user ^] ]
Starts the session. Unlike the previous user dropdown, this one can choose anybody logged into Scratch.
[invite user [user ^] ]
Same as above, but used if the mesh API is already running.
<mesh API running?>
Reports if the mesh API is running.
Player leaves the mesh session.
( [list here] of user [user ^] in mesh session )
Same as the first block, but for lists instead of reporters/booleans.
Also add a Mesh Sessions group on the homepage.
Add a Stop Mesh button near where the green flag is too.
That might be tricky connecting this to the website, but if there was a login interface to the Scratch program itself, this could work. However, it should be optional. And I don't think a block should show every user online as it could be annoying getting invites from random people.
No, I posted it in Suggestions. A hacker may have moved it into Advanced Topics!
rdococ wrote:
No, I posted it in Suggestions. A hacker may have moved it into Advanced Topics!
It could just be a mod thinking it belonged in a different forum.
I think it's just a mod that moved your topic there.
EDIT: Outposted.
Last edited by mathematics (2011-04-12 08:49:03)