Recently, lots of ameteur scratcher who saw berryfeathers project have decided to do the same thing for attention. Many of them also feel that they are being insulted by other people. I'm making a list of the top 5 reasons why not to quit scratch for these reasons.
5 reasons not to leave Scratch because you feel insulted or not wanted.
5. It doesn't matter what other people think of you and your projects. If you like them thats all that matters
4. Your current projects may not be that great but if you keep on working in Scratch your projects will become better and better and eventually you may be really good and popular.
3. If people are insulting you and your projects it usually means that they feel insecure about themselves and thier projects. Don't listen to them and put them on you ignore list.
2. People on scratch don't like attention seekers. If you constantly try to seek attention people will probably never even look at your projects because they find you annoying. Getting famous is about luck. If you stay on scratch your chance of getting popular will increase.
And Now for the #1 reason...
1. Scratch isn't about fame or popularity. Scratch is about having fun programming. If you like programming on scratch then you should stay.
Thanks for listening
Scratch On...... Please
geckofreak wrote:
3. If people are insulting you and your projects it usually means that they feel insecure about themselves and thier projects. Don't listen to them and put them on you ignore list.
I agree. Its very rare for a decent scratcher to insult beginners because they know that they were at one point beginners. If you recieve insulting comments i suggest you delete them and ignore them. if they are particular nasty comments also tell the scratch team or bring it up on the forums.
I agree with bigB and Geckofreak although I have one thing to say.
geckofreak wrote:
1. Scratch isn't about fame or popularity. Scratch is about having fun programming. If you like programming on scratch then you should stay.
Scratch is alot of fun, But I enjoy it alot more if my projects get a tun of replys. It just makes me feelgood and like I have accomplished somthing.
I like the spirit of this thread. I also think that there is no need to be harsh on those who only seek attention, while I agree the goal of Scratch is not to gain fame, one of the main values of our community is to be nice to others even when we disagree with them.
Also, in case you don't know, you can ignore other people's comments by adding them to your "ignore list". This way their comments will be automatically muted so you don't have to see them (other people can still see them though).
andresmh wrote:
I like the spirit of this thread. I also think that there is no need to be harsh on those who only seek attention, while I agree the goal of Scratch is not to gain fame, one of the main values of our community is to be nice to others even when we disagree with them.
Also, in case you don't know, you can ignore other people's comments by adding them to your "ignore list". This way their comments will be automatically muted so you don't have to see them (other people can still see them though).
Read #3
I hasd always said that.
I don't see why people would want to leave. They think that they're being bullied? put it on the ignore list. Don't leave. I got a horrible comment once and I put the user on my ignore list and deleted the comment. But then I felt so horrible about what they said, that I deleted the project. I didn't leave. I got over it.
I won't leave if someone posts a mean comment because I got bullied alot in my younger days and got through it. I also am really good at holding emotions in until they are about to burst open.
Bobby500 wrote:
I won't leave if someone posts a mean comment because I got bullied alot in my younger days and got through it. I also am really good at holding emotions in until they are about to burst open.
The only people that do leave mean comments are the people who feel bad about thier own projects.