how do u make animated icons for profile?? do u use motion blocks??
I'm noticing there's a lot of completely unrelated posts in this topic... is there a reason?
i cant make one. so can you make one for me? plz? im think that i am about to pull all of my hair out.
blocks<stop all>/blocks blocks<wait( 45983475384957 )secsc>/blocks Hi! I've been on Scratch for less than 5 months .how do I upload my new image?
I have GIMP.. blocks<repeat until>/blocks blocks<abs(/blocks ME KNOWING HOW TO USE IT blocks<( <=> )>/blocks I will blocks<think[ could someone tell me how to use GIMP ]for( 1 )secs>/blocks
I'm getting A little Tired Of people saying they don't get it Red text AND I DON'T GET IT EITHER! lots of other people don't get. Blue text Can I be The Last One to say that I don't get it ? I want to relax
<when green flag clicked><play sound[ ]and waits><move( )steps> <say[ ]for( )secs> <say[ <change[ ]effect by( <set[ ]effect to( I'm testing too
I use "CamStudio" record my screen "Smooth-draw 3.2.7" Then AVI to GIF converter from downloadcnet And upload it.
wen i hit remove alpha channel it sometimes changes the backround black ruining all of my perfect animations
ya thanks i figured it out and made a suicidal stick figure
Thank you. This is really bringing out my creativity!
funkymonkey wrote:
Bluestribute wrote:
funkymonkey wrote:
that doesn't work! when you go over the first layer and change/add something, everything from the first layer is still there, not changed!Afterward's, you go layers>transparency>remove alpha channel Then, it removes the transparency and you have a new layer, which is why you trace it. And yes Booby500, GIMP is free
im so confused...
i am too but i just willl just stop even paying scratch
wow! Really? i never knew that!