a print to screen feature.
it would be a block like
[print [] at screen starting at x ) y()]
and is saved to a list called (printed)
so you could call printed and use:
[remove [] from list [printed]] to erase it.
or just a
[erase [v]]
with that dropdown containing the printed text.
All other languages allow you to print Hello World (for example) easily. But not in Scratch!
Complete support! The closest you can get to this right now is with the "say" block, but it would be much nicer to have this feature.
i like it
Here's another way: List styles! That will work too, and also, to make it really work...
(key pressed) -- a reporter block. If pressed key is space it will report ' ' instead of 'space'. If other keys are pressed, it will show the keys' name. For example, 'W' or 'w' or 'F6' . That will make the console thing optional, atleast it reduces the scripting.
rdococ wrote:
Here's another way: List styles! That will work too, and also, to make it really work...
(key pressed) -- a reporter block. If pressed key is space it will report ' ' instead of 'space'. If other keys are pressed, it will show the keys' name. For example, 'W' or 'w' or 'F6' . That will make the console thing optional, atleast it reduces the scripting.
No... we want a block to print text DIRECTLY to the screen!