Can somebody please help me -- Develop a program that simulates the game of Two-Up. In this game, a player enters either “Heads” or “Tails” before the program simulates the tossing of two coins. If the player enters “Heads” and both coins come up Heads, then the program announces that the player won and 10 points are added to a score that is displayed. Similarly, if the player enters “Tails” and both coins come up Tails then 10 points are added to their score. The player loses 10 points if they guess incorrectly or if one coin displays “Heads” and the other coin displays “Tails”.-- Im new to scratch and i wasnt sure on how to do this.. please help!
thanks guyss
looks like you just joined. I joined for a science project, then got addicted for fun. So... did you download Scratch yet/ It's at the homepage, if you're logged out. That's the first step. Then, try some tutorials or ask around. Use scripts and sprites to make the coins. I'm in a hurry, so hope that was nuff info!
OK, heres a working script for your game.
Hope that helps!
Last edited by silvershine (2011-04-18 21:33:49)
Thank U Guys Sooooo Much!! Holy Jeesus Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!
how do i get the "Red" commands?? i cant find them
nvm i got it