I'm working on a project called "Virtual Artist" that will allow those that use it to select two options. One is "Writer" and one is "Artist". If they select "Writer", they can be able to type things. If they select "Artist" they can draw things. How can I code this to be possible?
the way i see it, just make two variables, writer and artist. When the option is selected, set artist = 1 or writer = 1. then make a little thing that follows the mouse around if artist = 1. Then say forever if artist = 1 and mouse down, pen down. Making the writing might be a bit tricky... You'd have to have each letters that have different costumes for each letter or something. Hope this answered your question!!!!
Or you can do it with one variable.
Make a variable: art
and if the variable is set to 1, then it is art. if 0, then write.
Although writing is very (very very very) hard to get spaced evenly, you can do it.
I suggest using the font monaco so all of your letters will be the same width.