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#1 2011-03-27 17:07:33

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-02-19
Posts: 50

Forum Navigation for New Scratchers

Well, I'm a new scratcher too so I suppose I shouldn't make this, but I have it down, so I'll make this.

You can't see them and I stumbled upon them from a link in a signature. I have no idea why it exists, because it seems to be hidden. It barely ever gets any new users. So I'll help it out a little by posting a link.

1) Announcements
Only the administrators can post new topics here. They announce stuff, really. You get it.

2) New Scratch Members
You introduce yourself here. It doesn't matter much after that, but if you want to be nice, respond to the "I'm new topics" with a post like "Hi! Nice to see a new member!" or "I hope you have fun!"

3) Show and Tell
Advertise your projects here. Unfortunately, this section is hard to navigate due to the fact that it is literally dripping with advertisements. If you've ever been to 4chan, you know what it's like. If you haven't, good, stay off.

4) FAQ
The administrators post topics here. I think it's useless because there's only so many questions, but that's just me. I admit that it did help me some.

5) All About Scratch
FAQ except you can post topics. Basically, FAQ, except useful.

6) Advanced Topics
[insert good explanation here]. I can't understand a word of what's going on here. It seems like scratch for nerds.

7) Suggestions
Make suggestions about how scratch should be improved. I've never seen one get accepted, so it's more or less useless.

8) Troubleshooting
Talk about bugs with scratch. I've never run into one, but it appears some people have.

9) Sensor Boards
I have absolutely no idea.

10 to 21) If you speak another language, this is basically 1-9 in that language.

22) Translating Scratch
If you want to put scratch in another language, talk about it here.

23) Other Languages
1-9 in languages that aren't yet in 10-21.

24) Collab Challenge 2011
I have no idea whatsoever.

25) Collaboration
Make a scratch project with other people, then take all the credit.

26) Requests
Mostly a spriting section.

27) Project Ideas
Make a scratch project with other people, then let them take all the credit.

28) Miscellaneous
I have no idea whatsoever. It looks active but nobody can post on it. Maybe a closed forum?



#2 2011-03-27 17:42:55

Registered: 2010-11-07
Posts: 500+

Re: Forum Navigation for New Scratchers

People could post in misc.  hmm
Just not the new people.

Last edited by BlahBlahRatSheep (2011-03-27 17:43:26)

"and knew ones will come and they will get poopular then theyll leave and more pooples will get poopular." -soupoftomato Lovely day to air out my tongue, yes?



#3 2011-03-27 18:30:20

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-02-19
Posts: 50

Re: Forum Navigation for New Scratchers

Oh. Okay. Now I expect an array of people saying the exact same thing thing you just did.



#4 2011-03-27 23:03:31

Registered: 2010-03-07
Posts: 500+

Re: Forum Navigation for New Scratchers, a clickable link for others' convenience. Oh, and Collab Challenge was a challenge for all Scratchers to compete by making a game/simulation/animation with the mandatory rules and sprites. But, it is now over. The Collab Challenge is now showing all the selected projects of groups of Scratchers who submitted. Just an overview.  big_smile



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