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#1501 2011-07-11 12:03:33

Registered: 2011-03-10
Posts: 100+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

Scimonster wrote:

Bookworm300 wrote:

YourLocalBlockLib wrote:

ok thats fine. how are you supposed to download blocks to scratch then? I hope im not being too much of a bother

You're not a bother.  smile
If you look at the just updated Scratch Blocks post, you'll see something new.  neutral



#1502 2011-07-11 12:18:42

Registered: 2011-03-10
Posts: 100+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

OK, I think I'm done. If there are any mistakes, please notify me.
I also backed up the whole Library to my computer now.  tongue



#1503 2011-07-11 12:37:09

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

Looks good! Just so people know, I have sent this email to the Scratch team  smile



#1504 2011-07-11 14:45:10

Registered: 2011-03-10
Posts: 100+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

BTW, I uploaded a new project about myself and deleted the old one. :3

Last edited by YourLocalBlockLib (2011-07-11 14:45:43)



#1505 2011-07-12 01:41:17

Community Moderator
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

When I said "mistakes" I mainly meant stuff like posts in the wrong place, because I didn't check each copy and paste.  neutral

Pecola1, get over here! Can you see them all? (Not the updates.)

Last edited by scimonster (2011-07-12 01:41:43)



#1506 2011-07-12 04:36:00

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

I didn't realise Scratch offered a redirect! That is a very useful find, I'm assuming it will "trick" a lot of image blockers!

That means I can start to use imageshack again!



#1507 2011-07-12 04:39:26

Community Moderator
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

Wait, not until we get confirmation.
EDIT: Some of the imageshack ones are still blocked.

Last edited by scimonster (2011-07-12 04:45:34)



#1508 2011-07-12 04:45:25

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

Block request!

Requested for: Panther.

(added to requests)



#1509 2011-07-12 04:46:13

Community Moderator
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

Hey, I was thinking of trying that!  tongue



#1510 2011-07-12 04:54:28

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

Yes, I think it may be basically using the panther color mix block code a lot... My main wondering is how fast it will be, I was trying to use colour sensing to pick up an object with a red and green stripe on it but my programming was picking up my hair more than anything... I'm thinking looking for averages may be a better solution for object locating.



#1511 2011-07-12 05:15:27

Community Moderator
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

This is only reporting white, no matter what.  hmm


    | t5 t6 color t7 t8 t9 |
    t5 _ (t3 - t1) abs.
    t6 _ (t4 - t2) abs.
    t7 _ t2-1.
    t6 timesRepeat:
        [t7 _ t7+1.
        t8 _ t1-1.
        t5 timesRepeat:
            [t8 _ t8+1.
            color _ self mixColor: color with: [self colorAtX: t8 y: t7].].].
    ^ color



#1512 2011-07-12 10:36:43

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

Hardmath123 wrote:


(' %s is a palindrome?' #b #palindrome:)


palindrome: i1 
"Made with Scramble by Hardmath123"
| t1 |

t1_ t1 asString reversed.
t1 = i1 ifTrue: [
^ true

^ false


('Stamp me at x: %n , y: %n ' #- #stampAt:stampAt:)


stampAt: i1 stampAt: i2 
"Made with Scramble by Hardmath123"
| t2 t1 |

t1_ self xpos.
t2_ self ypos.
self gotoX: i1 y:i2.
self stampCostume.
self gotoX: t1 y:t2.

I should now be tied with Pecola(1)!


Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#1513 2011-07-12 11:00:29

Community Moderator
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

I guess I forgot...
I think I missed someone else's blocks that weren't in the queue.



#1514 2011-07-12 11:36:02

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

TuragaTreeko wrote:

Pecola1 wrote:

TuragaTreeko wrote:

Sorry. As I said, I didn't have scratch on that comp, so I wasn't sure. Why do you think it doesn't work?

I remember being desperate and trying that. It never worked whatever I did till i found the compiler.

I found the code eventually for the block you are trying to make, want me to tell it to you?

Oh, YES!  big_smile   big_smile   big_smile   big_smile   big_smile   hmm . Please?

Uh oh... sorry, I am on vacation now, but I believe Slash has the block. Look at the code and see what it is, I will check later.

If you are reading this, please read to the end, because if you don't you won't know what's at the end. Don't just skip to the end though otherwise you won't be able to read the middle, which is most important. Now you must be wondering why you just read all that, the reason is you may have not noticed something, read it again and see if you notice it this time  smile



#1515 2011-07-12 11:39:31

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

sparks wrote:

Looks good! Just so people know, I have sent this email to the Scratch team  smile


If you are reading this, please read to the end, because if you don't you won't know what's at the end. Don't just skip to the end though otherwise you won't be able to read the middle, which is most important. Now you must be wondering why you just read all that, the reason is you may have not noticed something, read it again and see if you notice it this time  smile



#1516 2011-07-12 11:40:00

Community Moderator
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

You, can you see the redirected images?



#1517 2011-07-12 11:46:35

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

Hardmath123 wrote:

Hardmath123 wrote:


(' %s is a palindrome?' #b #palindrome:)


palindrome: i1 
"Made with Scramble by Hardmath123"
| t1 |

t1_ t1 asString reversed.
t1 = i1 ifTrue: [
^ true

^ false


('Stamp me at x: %n , y: %n ' #- #stampAt:stampAt:)


stampAt: i1 stampAt: i2 
"Made with Scramble by Hardmath123"
| t2 t1 |

t1_ self xpos.
t2_ self ypos.
self gotoX: i1 y:i2.
self stampCostume.
self gotoX: t1 y:t2.

I should now be tied with Pecola(1)!


0.o TIED! I must have not seen ya comin'! XD Great job. Now I wonder what i could do next time I am looking for scratch blocks to make... maybe a special block. AHHA!! I'VE GOT IT! I KNOW WHAT TO MAKE! *waits for vacation to end........ jk I'm out of ideas, unless we bring in... oh... I know... I wouldn't want to give you any ideas so, I won't tell you. I remember words from sparks a long time ago telling me to slow down and not to make every block in... I wouldn't want to spoil it. > smile  BWA MWA HA[/sinister joke] I don't really care. Great job again, you will probably be way ahead of me by the time I end vacation XD.

If you are reading this, please read to the end, because if you don't you won't know what's at the end. Don't just skip to the end though otherwise you won't be able to read the middle, which is most important. Now you must be wondering why you just read all that, the reason is you may have not noticed something, read it again and see if you notice it this time  smile



#1518 2011-07-12 11:50:12

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

scimonster wrote:

When I said "mistakes" I mainly meant stuff like posts in the wrong place, because I didn't check each copy and paste.  neutral

Pecola1, get over here! Can you see them all? (Not the updates.)

Sorry, on vacation, don't have scratch. Can't see projects don't have time to waste, I'M LATE! I'M LATE!
*waits for silent to end being silent*
I will check it now before my cuz and second cuz's get here.

If you are reading this, please read to the end, because if you don't you won't know what's at the end. Don't just skip to the end though otherwise you won't be able to read the middle, which is most important. Now you must be wondering why you just read all that, the reason is you may have not noticed something, read it again and see if you notice it this time  smile



#1519 2011-07-12 11:51:22

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

scimonster wrote:

You, can you see the redirected images?

Say, where when what?

If you are reading this, please read to the end, because if you don't you won't know what's at the end. Don't just skip to the end though otherwise you won't be able to read the middle, which is most important. Now you must be wondering why you just read all that, the reason is you may have not noticed something, read it again and see if you notice it this time  smile



#1520 2011-07-12 11:53:17

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

Pecola1 wrote:

scimonster wrote:

You, can you see the redirected images?

Say, where when what?

Ahh you mean the pics of block? I am on vacation, I thought I said that a few hundred times I am using a different internet. If you want me cuz my web blocks I also said I don't have them on currently at home. I can check 'em though.

If you are reading this, please read to the end, because if you don't you won't know what's at the end. Don't just skip to the end though otherwise you won't be able to read the middle, which is most important. Now you must be wondering why you just read all that, the reason is you may have not noticed something, read it again and see if you notice it this time  smile



#1521 2011-07-12 12:01:26

Registered: 2009-07-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

I wonder if there is a way to make this block for panther.
These would be handy for a game that you actually move around in

I am currently and I finally got over 1000 posts.



#1522 2011-07-12 12:12:40

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

GP1 wrote:

I wonder if there is a way to make this block for panther.
These would be handy for a game that you actually move around in

I can't see that working as block, I've just spent a lot of time working on object recognition/following using the colour blocks and the webcam. I have a lot of code and not much progress to show for it, so I can't see it becoming a block  hmm

@PF, You are really excited about that vacation, huh?  tongue



#1523 2011-07-12 12:14:10

Community Moderator
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

sparks wrote:

GP1 wrote:

I wonder if there is a way to make this block for panther.
These would be handy for a game that you actually move around in

I can't see that working as block, I've just spent a lot of time working on object recognition/following using the colour blocks and the webcam. I have a lot of code and not much progress to show for it, so I can't see it becoming a block  hmm

@PF, You are really excited about that vacation, huh?  tongue

Oh, you mean Pecola?  lol   tongue



#1524 2011-07-12 12:16:17

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

sparks wrote:

GP1 wrote:

I wonder if there is a way to make this block for panther.
These would be handy for a game that you actually move around in

I can't see that working as block, I've just spent a lot of time working on object recognition/following using the colour blocks and the webcam. I have a lot of code and not much progress to show for it, so I can't see it becoming a block  hmm

@PF, You are really excited about that vacation, huh?  tongue

LOL SECOND TIME ANYONE HAS CALLED ME PF!  tongue  its Pecola1, not PF. Anyways, I am a bit exited, its a bit weird, I am in my cousin, cousin in law and second cousins house, but they are on vacation while I am on vacation at their house. XD They come back tonight.

If you are reading this, please read to the end, because if you don't you won't know what's at the end. Don't just skip to the end though otherwise you won't be able to read the middle, which is most important. Now you must be wondering why you just read all that, the reason is you may have not noticed something, read it again and see if you notice it this time  smile



#1525 2011-07-12 12:19:54

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!

Sorry, I usually identify people by their sigs, so your sig swap seriously confuses me!



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