I tried sharing project but it takes forever to load (meaning does not) when it is saying connecting to scratch website. Why? I don't think it's Internet connection 'cause I used to be able to make projects. It doesn't work with another account. also, it's not hiccups. I've tried for a whole month at different times to share.
Last edited by Qaze (2011-03-13 07:57:37)
Qaze wrote:
I tried sharing project but it takes forever to load when it is saying connecting to scratch website. Why? I don't think it's Internet connection 'cause I used to be able to make projects. It doesn't work with another account.
So... you're saying it takes forever to load? Is that your point? (just clarifying)
Sometimes the Scratch servers can have 'hiccups' - wait a small while and then try uploading again
Perhaps your project is too large? I'm not sure, old sport
If it were too large, I don't see why it would have a problem connecting to the website, just uploading the project itself. So I don't think thats it
Has it been the same project that you're trying to upload? If so, just to check, do you think you could try uploading something else?
Sometimes that happens to me so I cancel then try it again if that doesn't work I save the project close scratch re-open it then try again.
Gatsby wrote:
Perhaps your project is too large? I'm not sure, old sport
If it were too large, I don't see why it would have a problem connecting to the website, just uploading the project itself. So I don't think thats it
Has it been the same project that you're trying to upload? If so, just to check, do you think you could try uploading something else?
My project isn't too large ( i tried to put a sprite), and it's for all my projects.
Maybe there's a firewall on your computer that's interfering? Have you tried it from different computers?