This is a link to a project on 11 ways how to get your projects recognized! If you comment on THIS page, I will go to your project (if you give me a link) and leave a comment.
RatSheep tips:
1. be random-yet on topic and relevant. C:
2. When criticizing projects, give about two good things about it, the bad things, then another good thing and a concluding sentence on how you think it is.
3. Post around, interact with people. show you're personality if tip 1 not followed.
4. Don't overeact to anything, pls. C:
anything to add to my tips? C:
btw-I'm srys you don't need to check my projects. Pls don't. Cause I'm such a weirdo. :T
WingsGames wrote:
This is a link to a project on 11 ways how to get your projects recognized! If you comment on THIS page, I will go to your project (if you give me a link) and leave a comment.
Here's an easier link that's clickable. Here:
kingofdallamas wrote:
WingsGames wrote:
This is a link to a project on 11 ways how to get your projects recognized! If you comment on THIS page, I will go to your project (if you give me a link) and leave a comment.'s an easier link that's clickable.
he cant hes a new scratcher
like his forum title
BlahBlahRatSheep wrote:
RatSheep tips:
1. be random-yet on topic and relevant. C:
2. When criticizing projects, give about two good things about it, the bad things, then another good thing and a concluding sentence on how you think it is.
3. Post around, interact with people. show you're personality if tip 1 not followed.
4. Don't overeact to anything, pls. C:
These tips are pretty good, but you may also want to add tags to your projects, put them on forums, and use the insane number of galleries out there.
TuffGhost wrote:
kingofdallamas wrote:
WingsGames wrote:
Here's an easier link that's clickable.
he cant hes a new scratcher
like his forum title
New Scratchers can also make links if they lead to somewhere on Scratch.
mathematics wrote:
TuffGhost wrote:
kingofdallamas wrote:
Here's an easier link that's clickable.Here:
he cant hes a new scratcher
like his forum titleNew Scratchers can also make links if they lead to somewhere on Scratch.
Mine leads somewhere, but whatever. If I get 10 love-its I'll make another tutorial of some sort.
boonwagon wrote:
I think you should put time into what you make.
I put time into the project.
WingsGames wrote:
boonwagon wrote:
I think you should put time into what you make.
I put time into the project.
Of course you did! I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Well; i won't give a link. But click on my username andit'll take you to my projects. i've just started them so they're just demos. But theres going to be regular updates at least once a week and possibly every day. Please try them.
themoundgroup wrote:
Well; i won't give a link. But click on my username andit'll take you to my projects. i've just started them so they're just demos. But theres going to be regular updates at least once a week and possibly every day. Please try them.
Okay, I'll look at them.
plz look at
iConstipate wrote:
plz look at
I saw them. They're a bit hard, but they're fun.
This project is awesome! I saw it. Thank you!
You prject has some good tips. I thouroughly enjoyed it.
(Link in mah siggy)