<round( Hello! welcome to scratch! It is very fun here and i think you will like it. You can play around with scripts on scratch 1.4 to see what they do, here are some.
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/post.php?fid=31#req message-play a sound
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/post.php?fid=31#req_message - move
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/post.php?fid=31#req_message -turn
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/post.php?fid=31#req_message -make sprite say something
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/post.php?fid=31#req_message - when a key is pressed
Those are some simple scripts! If you have any questions about scratch ask me! you can type in the box below. Scratch can seem complicated at first but it won't be as hard once you know it well! Enjoy your scratching!
hi bro
i would wonder why you're typing in all bold
but i wouldnt really care why
hello also new member
nitrogenNewspaper wrote:
hi bro
i would wonder why you're typing in all bold
but i wouldnt really care why
It's because when not using the BBCode, [ blocks] or [ /blocks], the rest of the words turn bold.
[blocks]<when green flag clicked>[/blocks]
See, and now for...
<when green flag clicked>
I just simply used the block code in between < and >
Hope this helps!
Last edited by kingofdallamas (2011-02-25 19:08:40)
I think doing
[blocks] and [/blocks]
stops the bolding. Lemme see . . .
Miss_Webgal wrote:
I think doing
[blocks] and [/blocks]stops the bolding. Lemme see . . .
Yes as I have mentioned above.
Oh, oops, forgot to put text after. And nod there's the 360 second rule before I can try again, and I can't edit my post, either. >.<