Flash does not work for me... The project freezes and when I hover over the screen, it says I need Adobe Flash. But I have Adoe Flash... I think.
Khbvjhv wrote:
I have a glitch in one of my games in java but not flash. I put my projeject on a website with an embed code and it automatically uses java... how can I stop that?
They only give you the Java embed code, not the Flash code. One of my buddies used the code here to embed the Flash player, so check it out.
AWESOME! So Cool. Before I had to Click, and Click... But Now It's Right There!
roosterteacherfail wrote:
Flash does not work for me... The project freezes and when I hover over the screen, it says I need Adobe Flash. But I have Adoe Flash... I think.
Try reinstalling Adobe Flash.
This is really cool.
Remember watch stephen44125 stuff because it has some really good stuff in it you should see.
stephen44125 DONT FORGET
Watch Stephen the Knight V 1.1 and V 1.2. It is really really good. And the eating is funny. The car thing is so awesome but the best must be Stephen the Knight, so remember stephen44125!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks so much better, when I did Pixel art and posted it, it look really bad, but with Flash Player, it looks like a proper pixel art.
when gf clicked think [This would be good especally if I want to make better Pixel Art!] for (3.91) secs
It works excellently but one problem is that it doesn't work in projects when sound or music is being played but it works when the viewer has to make the sound like in my project Sound Graph: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/akash5/2545985 .
I think it should stay alive.
when gf clicked repeat until <(Earth) = [No Longer Existing]> say [Flash is AWESOME and supported by akash5! Long live Flash!] for (Until Earth Exists) secs endFlash is supported by akash5.
When I use a project in Flash, the player isn't shown. When I hover my mouse over where the player should be, it says 'Movie not loaded.'
Any solutions?
It's kewl!
But some games require Java to work :\
I don't know why but they do.
Wait, I take back what I said. The other flash was okay but this suddenly updated version sucks. Everything laggs and my sprites have been cut up and look untidy. And there is no fullscreen which didnt work in the first place.