Here's a project that I saw today.
It may help.
Use these simple scripting to create the maze:
When green flag clicked,
--if right arrow clicked, move _ steps,
--if touching color black, move -_ steps
--if left arrow clicked, move -_steps (negative),
--if touching color black, move _steps (positive)
--if up arrow clicked,change y by_, (positive)
--if touching color black, change y by -_ (negative)
--if down arrow clicked, change y by -_(negative)
--if touching color black, change y by _ (positive)
There you go, that's the scripting, except I didn't actually use the picuture blocks, but you get the main idea here. Hope this helps, and if you need more help, be sure to ask me!
Last edited by kingofdallamas (2011-02-18 18:40:01)