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#1 2008-05-24 06:32:37

Registered: 2007-12-18
Posts: 500+

Watermark in image editor?

I would like to teach my students how to animate a sprite by creating several images each one a bit different from the previous one. I think this could be really simple if one could draw the next image on a transparent copy of the previous one (something like a watermark). Is that already possible in some way? Or could it be a nice addition?



#2 2008-05-24 08:46:18

Registered: 2007-11-18
Posts: 100+

Re: Watermark in image editor?

it is possible in a slightly more complicated way (although not much more). make the original sprite, then copy that costume. make the change, then copy the changed costume and make the next change. keep doing that for how ever many costumes you want to make to complete the animation.

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#3 2008-05-24 10:30:43

Registered: 2007-07-19
Posts: 100+

Re: Watermark in image editor?

rockie wrote:

it is possible in a slightly more complicated way (although not much more). make the original sprite, then copy that costume. make the change, then copy the changed costume and make the next change. keep doing that for how ever many costumes you want to make to complete the animation.

Something that I have thought about but haven't tried to do yet is to use Alice as the source of the images.  This would involve the following process:

A.  Eliminate all but the blue background from a new Alice world.
B.  Add an object to the Alice world and make it fairly large.  It would be best to select an object with fully-articulated limbs such as the ice skater.  However, for younger students, something like the cow may be a good choice.
C.  Set the object's limbs to a starting position.
D.  Save a pose of the object for later recovery if needed. (Just in case you mess it up somehow.)
E.  Create an image of the object in a file.

1. Slightly modify the limbs of the object.
2. Save a pose of the object for later recovery if needed.
3. Create an image of the object in a file.
4. Go back to 1 and continue the process until you have all of the images that you need.

Save the Alice world for later recovery if needed.

Import all of the images as Scratch costumes.

The most interesting thing about this as far as I am concerned is that once you have adjusted the limbs to a given position, you could rotate the object about its vertical axis and create images of the object going, coming, etc.  This could ultimately be used to produce costumes that could be used to animate the sprite in a variety of different ways.  For example, by appropriately adjusting the size, position, and costume for the sprite, you could animate a sprite walking in a large figure 8.

Let us know if you try this.  I would like to see how well it works.

Last edited by dbal (2008-05-24 10:36:47)

Dick Baldwin - Don't get stuck scratching. When you master Scratch, move on up to more serious programming languages. Free online programming tutorials:
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#4 2008-05-26 14:06:31

Retired Community Moderator
Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Watermark in image editor?

Yeah, I think a Flash-style Onion Skin mode would be really helpful. I never really thought about it, though, because I do so much of my spriting in Flash.



#5 2008-05-27 14:17:44

Registered: 2008-05-01
Posts: 100+

Re: Watermark in image editor?

s_federici wrote:

I would like to teach my students how to animate a sprite by creating several images each one a bit different from the previous one. I think this could be really simple if one could draw the next image on a transparent copy of the previous one (something like a watermark). Is that already possible in some way? Or could it be a nice addition?

Check out heybrian's project...if you look at the costumes, you'll get a good idea of how to make stop motion animations



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