Listen , I need an adimin of scratch to reply to me here. A friend of mine Seems to of been blocked out of scratch when yet they have done nothing , please awnser me with an awnser or scraths admin email if you wish to discuss this matter to me in privet. I`m just so upset. I hope they haven`t just used a wrong password. Lol . BUT SERIOUSLY...
P.s. I`m sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum , I ws never good a working things places in forums
Last edited by treecko639 (2011-02-03 14:42:41)
Have your friend contact the Scratch help desk at
They handle account issues like blocks and password resets. But they only discuss matters like that with the account owner so have your friend send the email. Hope that helps
OK . THEY LIVE IN aMERICA SO I`LL ASK THEM AND IF THEY HAVEN`T (sorry bout caps) i`ll tell them your advice
you misspelled answer.
EmperorEvil wrote:
you misspelled answer.
S/he misspelled a lot of other things too, but I don't think spelling is the point of this topic.
Last edited by hpotter134 (2011-02-03 20:16:40)