I've seen a lot of people use loveits as "currency". I've seen a case that went like this: One person had a os simulation on Scratch. We'll call it 123X-OS. Now some other username wanted to use the name as their own os. So the person who originally made 123X-OS allowed the 2nd person to use the "123X-OS" name in exchange for a loveit on all projects.
I've seen similar scenarios, so the question is should this be allowed?
My Opinion: NO
But sometimes it can be used to say 'I like you'.
I've never really liked the concept of using love-its as "currency"; I'd rather have a few legitimate love-its from people who actually liked my project than lots of fake love-its attained some other way.
gettysburg11 wrote:
I've never really liked the concept of using love-its as "currency"; I'd rather have a few legitimate love-its from people who actually liked my project than lots of fake love-its attained some other way.
pretty much
scimonster wrote:
But sometimes it can be used to say 'I like you'.
That would be the friend button.
love its are pointless anyways
to mean anywho
littletonkslover wrote:
love its are pointless anyways
to mean anyhow
they have no purpose, other than to attract mindless amounts of people to certain projects *cough* front page is messed up *cough*
littletonkslover wrote:
love its are pointless anyways
to mean anywho
I agree, there are more fake loveits out there than real ones and nobody seems to use the feature.