How do you become a moderator on scratch forums?I know its a dumb question.And i know for one thing if it is possible for anyone to become a moderator,I am probably not become one.But how did people like coolstuff and cheddargirl become moderators?
Also MyRedNeptune
Well, every so often there are elections, and different candidates stand for the position of moderator, and the general community of Scratch votes for people.
However, you have to be fourteen years old at least, and your parents have to speak to the Scratch Team first...
For more information on moderators, see this Scratch Wiki article:
Community Moderator
Last edited by WeirdF (2011-01-29 11:22:53)
Earthboundjeff wrote:
When are the next elections?
If they'll happen at all, sometime around March, maybe April. Although they may not happen if all the current mods are still doing a good job.
Last edited by gettysburg11 (2011-01-30 19:29:37)