Things haven't been turning out very well for me, have they?
I'm using the scrolling platformer tutorial in the Scratch Wiki, and I followed every thing exactly. My problem is with the sensor sprites. They don't stop the player from running into walls, they let it pass through them. I had a look at archmage's "making a game like Super mario World demo" and I can't find anything dissimilar from mine. The terrain scrolls OK, but I always land below the coloured line that it meant to stop me in addition to the failure of the hitTest.
Please can someone help...
It's to do with the positioning of the terrain I think. I've been moving it around and sometimes one of the left/ right sensors works while the other doesn't.
I've changed the colour of the terrains to the same colour all over and the sensors seem to detect it now. But the whole thing keeps on shaking up and down now...
the_storm_of_stone wrote:
I've changed the colour of the terrains to the same colour all over and the sensors seem to detect it now. But the whole thing keeps on shaking up and down now...
If its the sprite, then you have too much y detection. I recommend (like i do! ) using change y by 0.1 through 1.
If its the entire project, then something's gone dark! (i mean gone wrong )
I haven't found an efficient way to get platformers working, other than colouring each edge of either the sprite or the terrain.