I am making a new game called "Rooms". Your goal in the game is to go from room to room finding other players and doing quests. To do a quest you need to find a certan item and to find it you need to go in room after room trying out diffrent routes untill finally you find it and then you need to go back to the player. And you keep doing this untill you have compleated the game!
Now in each room you will find 2 or 3 yellow squares. Touching one of them will lead you to another room. Now this is where my bug is. I cant get the script right so you can touch a certan square in each level and get to a diffrent area. This is the script I use for each one:
When flag is clicked
if touching color yellow
and Y possition = -----
And level# = ----
Set level number to -----
Go to ------
Can anyone help?
yeah but there is multiple places you can go in a level.
So that would be about 300 diffrent brodcats... wow. Any other ways?
You could try using an item in a list instead of a broadcast - the sprites and the Stage would wait until an item equals one, then they would all change and set the item back to zero.
Therre will be a yellow square painted in the background! Touch it and you advance. Does that help?