I want an uncortolled sprite to move arpund wen the main sprite moves towards it (right now all i got is change x/y by random -100 to 100. how to make a spritie move around. also i want to make a stealth part to my game but how to make a sprite react wen they can see u (not behind somen) ive heard of senser sprites but idk wat it is what it looks like and wat script to use....
And wat i meant was controlled sprite A and uncontrolled sprite B (meanin that sprite A is controleed by player) when A moved toward B, B moves away....
Like it lets say i have sprite "1" 3 ft away from sprite 2, and sprite 1 moves 1 ft closer, than sprite 2 move 1 ft away. and if he gets too close it goes up....
yeah sorry i thought i would have gotten a message saying u posted here