Welcome to the Scratch Company collab thread! This is a collab for the Collab Challenge 2011. Here are some available jobs:
Available Jobs
Programmer (max 1) - Programs the project.
Graphics Designer (max 1) - Creates graphics and art for our collab.
Our collab has started. Anyone may join, but please fill out this form.
1. Have you ever been in a collab before?
2. If so, what was your job in that collab?
3. Rate yourself from 1 to 10 at that job.
4. How long have you used Scratch?
5. Have you ever been on the front page? (other than Scratch Design Studio or Newest)
I want to keep this collab small, so there can only be one person for each job. Here is a list of users and their jobs.
List of Jobs Taken
Programmers (full)
Graphics Designers
Last edited by HD123 (2011-01-21 08:37:20)
1. Have you ever been in a collab before? yes
2. If so, what was your job in that collab? graphics
3. Rate yourself from 1 to 10 at that job. 8/10
4. How long have you used Scratch? idk 7ish months?
5. Have you ever been on the front page? (other than Scratch Design Studio or Newest) twice
Graphics if yah please.
Last edited by werdna123 (2011-01-12 10:50:51)
werdna123 wrote:
1. Have you ever been in a collab before? yes
2. If so, what was your job in that collab? graphics
3. Rate yourself from 1 to 10 at that job. 8/10
4. How long have you used Scratch? idk 7ish months?
5. Have you ever been on the front page? (other than Scratch Design Studio or Newest) twiceGraphics if yah please.
Okay! I added your name to the list
Okay, it is already January 16, so I have decided that we need to start anyways. Our collab will be a game. We need to think of an idea for our collab- and fast.
Last edited by HD123 (2011-01-16 09:26:40)
The three images are here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Collab- … ge/1515843.
Last edited by HD123 (2011-01-16 09:27:33)
I'm really really sorry but I'm going to have to pull out. Again, really sorry.
HD123 wrote:
A moderator can close this thread. (This tiny thread, all of the others are big ropes now. *sigh*)
Granted there's not so much time left until the deadline, but you never know - are you really sure you want to have this thread closed and drop out of the competition?