when i try to upoad a project it still is conecting to scrach.edu help!!!
how long does it take 4 a project to upload?
Project upload times vary depending on project size, internet speed and server wait times. Most of my latest projects are under 200kb because I know how hard it is to upload a large project (One project took over 50 tries). I suggest that you keep trying to upload it. If it doesn't work try another computer and see if that makes a difference.
It depends on the size-load and how fast the server is working that particular day. I hope this helps!
adilmalik wrote:
please can some one help me.im making a game. i want a sprite to rotate, but i want it to give it a specific pivot point.
Of course! You should post this on a separate new topic though. Anyways, you can try using these scripts:
<point in direction( )> and <turn cw( )degrees>
Point in direction will allow you to make the sprite point at something and then turn clockwise or counterclockwise in the rotating degrees. Hope this helps!
If you are clicking on the blue letters on the submission, it will go to scratch.mit.edu because that is a link put in for people who downloaded scratch before they made an account.
I hope this helped your problem!