Click here to view the project!
Direct link if it isn't working:
When you type in your "secret alias", capital letters wont work for some reason. When you download the project, it does. I'm not sure if you guys will be able to see it though when you download it because not everyone has those fonts, but maybe!
Also, not everything is synced the way it should be online...when you download it, it is. Any way to fix this?
Last edited by Jello715 (2011-01-10 21:26:55)
Unfortunately there is no way to fix this problem. Capital letters function differently online from offline and there is no way to solve that.
However, you could try an online/offline detector and try and circumvent the problem that way.
There's a Scratch Wiki article about the problems with the Java Player - search "Why Don't My Projects Work Correctly Online?". I'd give a link, but it doesn't work for some reason
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2011-01-10 01:46:13)
Jonathanpb wrote:
I'd give a link, but it doesn't work for some reason
It's because of the apostrophe in "don't". This link should be working.
Tip: Next time replace the apostrophe with "%27", just like how the question mark is replaced by "%3F".
Last edited by mathematics (2011-01-10 06:22:17)
Thanks, but I can't seem to fix the problem with waits, and I even changed the whole script and it doesn't work for some reason D:
Oh well, it's not THAT important, just sort of annoying. Also, the variables online aren't in the same place where I put them on the screen offline. Might be a little bit of a problem but I can change the images
For the problems with variables, it's easy to fix! Check out Chapter 5 in this topic.