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#1 2011-01-09 12:10:45

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-11-20
Posts: 20

How to recycle code from one project in another project?


I have a project that announces (plays audio ) any number given to it.
I want to use that code in a second project that generates some number as its results. I want to be able to announce the numbers in the second project using the script in project 1. Is it possible?




#2 2011-01-09 12:38:40

Retired Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-07-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: How to recycle code from one project in another project?

Hm - if you mean by putting it in the same project, you could export a sprite with the scripts you want to copy, then import them into the other project.

If you want it to communicate between the two projects, you could try using Mesh to allow them to communicate - I'm no expert with Mesh, but the article should help ^^"

"...Jargon - the practice of never calling a spade a spade, when you might instead call it a manual earth-restructing implement..." - Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue



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