For those of you who don't know, Linking to Logging Out (a phrase I made up myself) is linking to (don't click it) which logs you out if you click on it.
I've seen it in signatures and posts and stuff... I'm sure it is allowed, but I don't think it should be, it's rather an inconvenience if you're logged out suddenly, especially if you don't know it's going to happen.
Actually, it's not allowed, especially when disguised to be misleading. If you're in the forums, just report it and a moderator will remove the misleading link.
kayybee wrote:
Could we say:
Need to logout quick? Click here!
Lol! Since you are being clear about it, we might let that one stay
Chrischb wrote:
O_o Are there any places that explain that?
It falls under the "Be Honest" clause of the Terms of Use. When you make a link that does something annoying and try to hide it to trick people, it's "gaming the community". It's also covered by the "Keep the site Friendly" clause - because it's kind of a mean trick.
You might argue that it's just a friendly prank and does no harm...but to an inexperienced computer user, it could create a lot of stress. And this website gets a lot of inexperienced users
I was also tricked by that once...