If you like reading adventure, fantasy, or "Choose-your-own-adventure" books, you're going to love this game!
This text-based adventure game includes over 75 unique locations, dozens of items, and hundreds of words in its vocabulary.
The game was inspired by Infocom's Zork. While not the same, it borrows from its ideas.
I hope you enjoy playing this as much as I did making it!
BoltBait's Adventure
Version 1.3
Development time: ~80 hours
I have prepared a simple map to help get people started. You'll have to add the details yourself. But, this should give you a nice overview of what the adventure covers. Well, the above ground part anyway.
Last edited by BoltBait (2011-01-31 14:42:00)
I would like to know what you think of the language processor in this game. I tried to make it as flexible as possible.
Is it easy to use?
Were you able to easily control the story?
Did you try to use words that the game didn't understand?
Do you think there should be additional single word command shortcuts?
If the game didn't understand one of your commands, what was it?
Uploaded version 1.2 today.
This version fixes four issues that made the game unwinnable. I've now played the game all the way through. It can now be won.
I'm still looking for feedback. (See my questions above.)
The language processor worked quite well I thought. The one letter abbreviations are very handy and speed up gameplay considerably.
I did try "use key on door" with no success - but I used the Help command to find out that I should have typed the more specific "open door with key". I think I still prefer the <verb> <object> <target> syntax but that is probably because I am used to it from some other text game I played years ago.
It's a fantastic game that I look forward to playing more fully when I get some free time
Thanks for the feedback.
I have prepared a simple map to help get people started. You'll have to add the details yourself. But, this should give you a nice overview of what the adventure covers. Well, the above ground part anyway.
BoltBait wrote:
Posted version 1.3 yesterday which fixed a couple of small things.
Has anyone made it below ground yet?
i cant find the key!
You'd really like Inform 7.
I'm in the cellar >:3
Thanks Paddle2See!
I wanted to up this post because this game now works with the Flash player.
The Scratch team made changes to the Flash Beta player (version 35) that enable this game to work. So, if you haven't checked this out yet, please do! Let me know what you think.
Is it even possible to go in the yellow house?
Are the sword, meat, garlic, rope, and lamp used in any way? Or are they just something to throw you off and can be used for nothing.
JustInTime98 wrote:
Are the sword, meat, garlic, rope, and lamp used in any way? Or are they just something to throw you off and can be used for nothing.
Everything in the game is useful.
For example, you need the sword to attack enemies.
You need the lamp to see once you go below ground.
Is it possible to kill yourself to get into hades?
Also can you get into the yellow house?
Last edited by JustInTime98 (2011-10-18 23:24:01)
i think im lost in the forest
can anyone tell me how to get to the beach? I;m in the mine now, there's nothing in the offices
I wish you could add some more combinations such as 'use' or 'give'. I tried using some things I thought would work, but it got confused. Great game though, and I don't mind if you don't add that (I probably wouldn't be able to).