Hi, this is a guide to show you how you can make 3D rotating objects in Scratch without the need for a costume for every degree, unless your item happens to be 360 pixels tall and has no layers (I'll go into that later) that are the same. Here is an example of the kind of thing you will be making. First, to make your object, you will need to make some layers. These are costumes on a sprite that will build up your image. To make your first layer, make a sprite and when you draw the costume, make it the part of the object that is at the bottom (like you have cut the object into slices chopping from the side, and it will be the bottom slice viewed from the top).
Once you have done that, make more and more costumes that are slices of the image, going up and up and up the pile of slices( if two slices are the same, there is no point in making two costumes, because when you build up your image, you will only need one). When you have made the top slice, you will need to do some scripting. First, make a script that looks like this.
[blocks]<when green flag clicked>
<change y by( minus(how many slices your object has)
<switch to costume[ first slice
<change y by( 1
this will make it so that the object is 1 layer or pixel tall (you must view it in presentation mode or it will flicker).
Now repeat (do not use a repeat block, just duplicate the blocks instead or the item will flicker even in presentation mode)the last three blocks of this script to make the rest of the layers, changing the 'switch to costume first slice'
to 'switch to costume (the next slice)' every time.
Now view your object in presentation mode and hit play. It should be 3-dimensional. But the only way to test it works, is by adding a script like this:
[blocks] <when green flag clicked>
<if><key[ left arrow ]pressed?>
<turn ccw( 1 )degrees>
<if><key[ right arrow ]pressed?>
<turn cw( 1 )degrees>
now your object can be turned, go into presentation mode, hit play and press the left and right arrow keys to spin the object 360 degrees.This is how you can make a 360 degree spinning 3D item.