I don't really think it's worth it. I'm in the UK and I don't really care about color-colour differences.
If the scratch team adds all (or finds reason against) suggestions, this could be a last thing to do.
joeisawesome wrote:
And don't forget 100% joeisawesome!
And 100% rdococ!
jasb wrote:
1% Poland that know a bit of english.
And 1% that fully know it XD
I live in the UK for over 3/4 years, and hearing, or reading the word "color" and "sidewalk" (LOL) all the time is getting pretty boring...
juststickman wrote:
I don't really think it's worth it. I'm in the UK and I don't really care about color-colour differences.
Agreed - we are quite capable of making allowances for our poorly educated colonial cousins
Colour and color isnt that bigger difference, so why should we worry about it? If color meant something completely different to colour, then I would agree that we would have to do something about it, but since the only thing not the same is one has a U and the the other doesnt, its not something to get worried about. I live in the UK, and it is annoying sometimes when I see the word 'color' but thats just someting we have to live with.
I don't think it's worth it- and if they did do that I'd be mainly on the US bit because it would have more people. And it's not the end of the world if words like civilisation, colour etc are spelled differently. LOL, every single person on this page is from the UK.
Last edited by werdna123 (2010-11-21 14:54:48)
Here is a random text picture Britain
picture of the british empire. ________________________________________
| | | | |
Australia | | Canada (very big) |
| | |
| New Zealand |
America |
Lots of ton of
other countries, and
took over some large countries.
Last edited by arthurz (2010-11-23 13:54:53)
I'm Canadian, but I really don't see the point, I mean, half the time I find myself writing the American way anyway...
TegansPoppy wrote:
Yes, I think the Brits will recognize, er - recognise - the words just fine. They certainly realize --or realise, rather? that Scratch (or is it Zcratch?) comes from Bozton. ;] Actually, it is worth doing, if anyone wants to make those small changes. I'm a big believer in making users as comfortable in any given environment as they can be. That helps make the computer fade into the background of a user's mind so they can focus on whatever is the task at hand.
That seems a little trollish, or mis-informed, replacing all S's with Z's. I'm certian that there are circumstances where that happens, but not all the time.
The difference between American and English is so minute, that before they even consider translation, the Scratch Team should wait about 400 years until English has changed and become a completely different language. It's not that hard to know the difference between "meter" and "metre", as well as "color" or "colour", or "center" and "centre". Besides, the Scratch Team is working on other things, like Scratch 2.0.
Mayhem wrote:
Agreed - we are quite capable of making allowances for our poorly educated colonial cousins.
You wish. Think of it. 13 tiny, little colonies fighting off against the largest empire in the world. But really,Don't insult the population in the U.S. of A. just because we spell many words more shortly.
So, for now, I'd like the Scratch Team to work on 2.0, instead of tiny differances in spelling. (or how you'd spell it, "diffrences" )
Last edited by Rexpup (2011-03-07 17:21:07)
arthurz wrote:
Here is a random text picture Britain
picture of the british empire. ________________________________________
| | | | |
Australia | | Canada (very big) |
| | |
| New Zealand |
America |
Lots of ton of
other countries, and
took over some large countries.
I think that even India has its own variant.
rdococ wrote:
Of what?
Hmm... This is a good idea, but there are not many changes.
The only changes (or is it changez?) are:
Color is spelled Colour.
US is UK
us is still us for the upper
also i america they spell:mum, as: mom
I am John, a 13 years old Chinese boy. I will go to Cambrdige University in the U.K on August 8-22, 2011. I want to look or to know about the exchange of SCRATCH during my 2 weeks stay in the U.K..,If it's possible then I am available from 6:00pm.-11:00pm.. I will be staying at Williams College.. To anybody who is interested to exchange with me then please feel free to leave your mobile phone number or windows live. My windows live is "comitprogramzhu@live.cn"
zhuzhongmin wrote:
I am John, a 13 years old Chinese boy. I will go to Cambrdige University in the U.K on August 8-22, 2011. I want to look or to know about the exchange of SCRATCH during my 2 weeks stay in the U.K..,If it's possible then I am available from 6:00pm.-11:00pm.. I will be staying at Williams College.. To anybody who is interested to exchange with me then please feel free to leave your mobile phone number or windows live. My windows live is "comitprogramzhu@live.cn"
哇噻!你要去Cambridge? 那是一个非常好的大学!赞!^^
Translation: Wow! You're going to Cambridge? That's a great college!
coolstuff wrote:
registeel wrote:
10 % antartica
Any Canadians? I wonder who the antarticans are... I know Zelda123 "lives" there
supercoolguy does
Canadians, from what I know (one of my friends used to live there), usually use American English spellings. However, in formal occasions, they usually use British English spellings.
a1130 wrote:
Canadians, from what I know (one of my friends used to live there), usually use American English spellings. However, in formal occasions, they usually use British English spellings.
I live in Canada, and we use the UK spellings.
coolstuff wrote:
a1130 wrote:
Canadians, from what I know (one of my friends used to live there), usually use American English spellings. However, in formal occasions, they usually use British English spellings.
I live in Canada, and we use the UK spellings.
English UK is the original and all commonwealth nations should share in this.
I wish there were some sort of "International English." Right now, we have American English, British English, Australian English, Indian English (well, it's more of an accent, but there are some pronunciation and spelling differences too), Singapore English (again, more of an accent- a variant British speaking and spelling ways), and then variants in smaller countries, etc.
There are people from India, Singapore, UK, US, Australia, and from other countries with their own variants or English that go on Scratch. Not many people complained about the American English spellings, right? There are only minute differences in spellings, for example (no offense):
color/colour (similar to French)
anything ending with -ize in US English/-ise in UK English
and so on.
Last edited by a1130 (2011-08-04 13:05:44)
TegansPoppy wrote:
Australia too, I would imagine. Are the spellings much the same as UK down under? I suppose the first step in the effort is to identify how many distinct variants are being addressed. Hmm... Which brings South Africa to mind.
Note to self: Wikipedia this, find out how many English variants there are, and hunt down instructions on submitting them to the Scratch team. ;]
Has anyone begun work on this already?
Thats waht i meen imagine....