Have you ever created a video game where you will have to copy scripts to several sprites?
For example: When green flag clicked-Forever-If-Touching( Hero )-change( Life ) by (-1)...
Now, you'll have to give this to every sprite that can hurt "Hero", right? WRONG!!! With Sprite Classification Blocks ( http://suggest.scratch.mit.edu/forums/60449-suggestions/suggestions/1261763-sprite-classification-blocks ), you'll only have to give the script to one sprite, Hero. Put all enemies into Classification: Enemy and change the script to
When green flag clicked-Forever-If-Touching (Classification: Enemy)-change( Life ) by (-1)...
There, all done. One script now has the power of twenty, or however many enemies you want. Basicly, the idea is to place sprites into groups where one script will effect everybody in the group! "Sprite Grouping", if you want to call it that. Trust me, you need this!!!
Here's the link to the suggestion: http://suggest.scratch.mit.edu/forums/60449-suggestions/suggestions/1261763-sprite-classification-blocks
Last edited by NNNEEEOOO11 (2010-12-15 09:38:04)