Those are mostly trigonometric and algebraic functions.
Sine is the side of a right triangle opposite the angle (the angle is the value you plug into sine) divided by the hypotenuse. Cosine is the adjacent side. Mainly you can use these for directional math, such as this:
Change x by (sine of direction) *3
Change y by (cos of direction) *3
That's pretty much equal to "move 3 steps" but more versatile and editable. As you can see you will usually use sine for x and cos for y.
Log, I'm learning that in Algebra 2 right now. I think you use it to find the value of exponents.
Asine is for finding the angle by plugging in the value of sine (basically the opposite of sine). So you would plug in opposite side/hypotenuse into asin to get the angle. Same for cos and tan.
Abs (you didn't mention that but I'll explain anyways) is just the positive of the number.
Ex. Abs (5) = 5
Abs (-5) = 5
In addition to what Kileymeister said, log in short for logarithm, and is used to find the power of the base that will yield the given number. In simpler terms, b to the power of what equals x? In Scratch, there is no option to input the base; instead, the block defaults to base 10. So in Scratch, log(100) = 2, because 10^2 = 100.