when i make a project, and then go to post it online, sometimes, the boxes that display the variables will move around, and change form (ie, large view to normal view)
Any ideas, anybody?
an example of what im talking about: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/nnned/1392192
(the y variable moved, and went from large view to normal view)
The default is it will always go to the top left in normal form if not saved/shared with it showing in its new position/form. Simply share the project while the variable is showing on the stage in its place/form.
Last edited by Kileymeister (2010-12-08 21:30:58)
That's a common bug with the online player. The solution is to show all the variables you want to be seen during the game before uploading the project, then make them hide as soon as you press the green flag, then it'll work like normal.