I noticed the "ignore list".
a "top remixed" channel, gallery attributes and browsing, character count in the project comment field (slows down typing for me ), a reply-link to comments (gotta check that out!), oh! and now there are over 100.000 registered users (around 20 by some variation of "andresmh"
). Really nice!
I noticed that when you type a comment on someone's project, as you are typing it it shows you how many characters you have typed. I also noticed the ignore list. And last of all I noticed that you can get a notification that says that someone liked your project so they added you to their friend list.
oops it looks like i was too late typing
Only 15 favorites are shown; does this mean you can only have 15? It seems like the most remixed search doesn't work well, as it says the most is 5. The amount of galleries a project is in is now noted with the rest of the info. The featured galleries are now shown in 6 pages. Every gallery has a created date, although it is very inaccurate. I have seen some very old galleries which show to be from 1999 and 8 years, 5 months old. If you look at Galleries with the most projects, you will also get a day of the week for every gallery.
I think everything else was already mentioned. I will post if I find anything else.
I noticed that comments are now limited to 255 characters in length. I find that quite annoying as I like to leave fairly verbose comments. I would be interested to know the reasons behind this change.
Paddle2See wrote:
I noticed that comments are now limited to 255 characters in length. I find that quite annoying as I like to leave fairly verbose comments. I would be interested to know the reasons behind this change.
It may be due to certain people who clutter up the comment area by pasting something extremely long. You could always split up your comment into multiple parts.
I saw the gallery thing changed (On your project, it's like how many remixes), and ignore list first
where is the "top remixed channel'
Click on projects on the top bar and select "Most Remixed."
I have noticed that it is not an accurate system as the top remixed only shows to have 5 and many others have up to 400, but are not shown.
Paddle2See wrote:
I noticed that comments are now limited to 255 characters in length. I find that quite annoying as I like to leave fairly verbose comments. I would be interested to know the reasons behind this change.
We just found a few of extremely long comments that were not even real comments. I think no having any limit at all is a bit dangerous but we certainly don't want to force you to have to post more than 1 message for your verbose comments. What do you think the limit should be? It should be fairly simple to increase the limit.
I like the limit because on one project some had a lot of numbers in their comment, and I had to scroll down the page for much longer
Looks good so far. I saw the ignore list and the letter count(Did'nt know what it was until I saw it here.)
Also, I tried to login this mornng because it had booted me off and although I inputed the right password and username, it wouldn't show it. After school today when I went on, I was already logged in. Was this somthing to do with the updates?
andresmh wrote:
Zelda123: you're right! It's a bug. Which one has 400 remixes by the way?
Many of the projects that came along with Scratch have more than 100 remixes.
Pong has 530.
andresmh wrote:
Paddle2See wrote:
I noticed that comments are now limited to 255 characters in length. I find that quite annoying as I like to leave fairly verbose comments. I would be interested to know the reasons behind this change.
We just found a few of extremely long comments that were not even real comments. I think no having any limit at all is a bit dangerous but we certainly don't want to force you to have to post more than 1 message for your verbose comments. What do you think the limit should be? It should be fairly simple to increase the limit.
Well, I've hit the 255 limit about 4 times now, usually when trying to give advice about a piece of scripting. I guess I'd vote for somewhere around 500 characters and see how that flys. What do other people think?
JSO wrote:
Nice updates! Zelda, you might want to change your signature... It's a bit too big...
Yeah, please Zelda123, have mercy on my scrolling finger!