me they work for you? because when i go to the gallery i want, i scroll down, and there is just a big blank space where comments should be. oh well... anyhow--
Bushtail sniffed the salty marsh air. He could smell a storm coming. he swam with strong paws back to pantherClan camp to warn sleekstar. "thunder is coming," he meowed rather seriously.
he looked up to see a rolling cloud turn as black as night. *starClan forbid, where there is thunder, there is lightning! the marsh is a perfect place for it to hit, too...starClan, help us!* he thought. he backed up and proposed, "we should get elders and kits inside their dens."
bushtail's son-Squirrelkit bounced around camp as rain staarted to fall. thunder cracked in the direction of wetClan. "hurry, lightning is falling sleekstar. get inside your den." squirrelkit stood frozen as a massive bolt of lightning hit him. SQUIRRELKIT!" screamed Bushtail.
squirrelkit was writhing around in pain. and gradually, he stopped moving, until he lay there, dead. "no.." bushtail whispered as he ran toward him. he picked up his son and ran ti the nursery. "kits, get in your dens with yoiur mothers, unless you want to share squirrelkit's fate," he ordered. Then he ran to the elders to force them into their dens. he left squirrelkit's body with them, gave him a quick lick, and ran tot he warriors den, weeping.
"sleekstar!" he shouted as he ran to his leader. "please, go to your den. This is a warning from starClan, and it most likely means for all cats to go to safety!"
lol XD maybe instead of forums i should use a project. MUCH easier. i think i will...