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#1 2010-11-21 15:35:59

Retired Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Growing Userbase Diversity

I was browsing through the front page when I took a look at the Popular Tags and I was surprised to see how many tags were posted in languages other than English.

It seems that Scratch's userbase has extended into many other countries.

Does anyone have any speculations as to why we may be seeing a lot more foreign users on Scratch, other than the fact that more people are steadily hearing about Scratch?

I've taken a long hiatus, but I still visit sometimes. Give me some time to answer any messages you post on my projects!



#2 2010-11-21 16:02:12

Registered: 2010-10-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: Growing Userbase Diversity

I dunno, but maybe there are more people in other countries than in the USA using Scratch.  Also, maybe students from MIT are coming from other countries, then going back and spreading word about Scratch.

Minecraft, Redwall, and Cyberchase fan, and PROUD.



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