Shouldnt they be deleted to make more room or when its moved it still can get bumped into the top from the old location cant it?
zorket wrote:
They are closed so others can receive some info from that topic, instead of nothing.
Also, so questions aren't asked over and over again. Since closed topics aren't deleted, and a user had that same question, he/she could just search for it instead of making a whole new topic for it.
I could understand deleting extremely old topics though.
You should probably instead suggest that. It seems much more reasonable.
I like the idea though. It will definetly speed up the server.
HD123 wrote:
zorket wrote:
They are closed so others can receive some info from that topic, instead of nothing.
Also, so questions aren't asked over and over again. Since closed topics aren't deleted, and a user had that same question, he/she could just search for it instead of making a whole new topic for it.
Pretty much this. You never know when an old thread is referenced, even those unseemingly related to Scratch.