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i want to make sure people cant download my projects or subscribe so any help would be good
The whole point of scratch is that all projects are open source. You can't prevent people from downloading, but you could always use hidden sprites. Also, what do you mean by subscribe?
BTW, this belongs in AAScratch.
In the top left corner, there is a Subscribe button that, apparently, is widely unnoticed
But as Kayybee said, Scratch is a safe and open community. You shouldn't feel compelled to shut yourself off from the society. Should anything have happened that would have made you think you need to stop others from viewing your materials, you should contact the Scratch Team.
ok....... by the what is a hidden sprite
AH!!!!! I CAN'T NOTICE A BUTTON! Yeah, I've seen the subscribe button before, but I never got used to it...
Hidden sprite=
click paint editor button to create new sprite
move window out of the way
click paint editor button again
press cancel
there should be a dot on the screen. it's white, so you may have to recolor your stage
double click it
add scripts and costumes (if you want)
and so, if you make it hide, there's no way to access it anymore (or at least simply)
make sure you have a password for it to show or something
like: when flag clicked, if space and mouse down and q and 3 pressed, show
that way you can access it sometime, but others can't
My brother claims it have invented it and named it GlitchSprite.
His username is the same thing, and so is his icon and first game
i feel honored when people watch me. i feel like i'm being noticed
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