hello, i am new to scratch and for my intro to comp sci 101 course, i need to create a basic scratch sketch. i am still quite new and would appreciate all the help i could get. i would like to make a simple scratch script where my sprite moves left and right infinitely except when i put another object in his way. thanks so much!
Try using the "repeat until" loop from the "control" category, then put a "touching []?" block from "sensing" in the diamond-shaped cutout. Add the main part of the script (moving left or right) You could put other conditions into the cutout instead - for example, if you wanted the sprite to stop moving when its x position was equal to an amount, or when the mouse is down
Try stacking two of the "repeat until" loops that you have put blocks in (one for moving left, one for moving right) together. You could also put a loop from "control" around this stack, to make the sprite keep doing this, either infinitely (using the "forever" loop), a certain number of times (using the "repeat (10)" loop - you can change the number to your needs), or until another condition is met