Sonicpops' Crank Inc. inspired me to create a company of my own. Genesis Co.; named after Sega's most popular game system. If you want to join, please feel free to ask. Jobs are open! If you are great at art, programming, whatever, become an employee at the company run by a popular, renowned and friendly Scratch member, myself (no, I am not saying I am GOD. ). Find the Co. at
Current Jobs:
Oldschooler2: Founder, Boss, and President of Genesis Co.
Last edited by Oldschooler2 (2008-04-15 15:29:48)
SonicPops wrote:
Uh...what is "..." supposed to mean? Yeah maybe the name is corny but I like it anyway. Yes I said you inspired me to make it. You should be happy, not disgusted. Or maybe I'm just not good with interpretations.
Whatever. The ellipse confused me... thanks for the clarification, Jman. Just go to the gallery and make a request to join. I will only accept members who are good at art, good at programming, or very creative and inspirational for game ideas.
SonicPops wrote:
It meant 'I'm happy I inspired you', 'I'm sad that you left', and good luck
I never left Crank Inc. What is this, a chat room?
One rule is that you can't own a company and work in one. If you really think about it, it dosen't sound right. (sorry, I just can't explain what I mean)
Meh...I'll let you off. Even though it's a rule...