hi there everyone
this is my first day with scratch because I have to realise a project at university. I've already got my first difficulty:
I've paintet a labyrinth and I want that the user has to follow the labyrinth with the mouse until he gets to the end. The inside of the labyrinth is yellow, the walls blue and the finish pink.
This is how I programmed it, don't know why it doesn't work. Hope anyone can help me go ahaid!
Thanks a lot!
<touching color[
Try removing the block that says "stop script"
Hey sandrapf:
Looking at the image straight on indicates that you shouldn't have the "stop script" block in there, but since removing it doesn't work, it shows there's a problem elsewhere in the script.
It might be easier if you uploaded the project to the website so others can take a look at it and see the entire scripts in use.
Ah, I see it, that script above is for the mouse pointer, but yet the script is part of the maze!
There's currently no way to have scripts for the mouse pointer, so the best option is to create another sprite that follows the mouse. Here's my fix-it. Notice that I created another sprite that follows the mouse, your script is inserted in that sprite.