Umbreon101 wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
Umbreon101 wrote:
im trying to make a meme people will like.Good luck with that
Have you noticed almost all of those fail. Not saying you're is guaranteed to, but "Cool Story Bro" "lolwut" "caramelldansen" ":iconimhappyplz: "Dramatic Chipmunk......" there's not that many when you think about it.
i know theyll probably fail, but i make them for the fun of it, and to see how many people remix it, not for popularity or anything like that. i just like to make memes 4 some reason.
M'kay, usually it's some weird drawing or picture with a short, snappy quote attached, lolcat style.
littletonkslover wrote:
Umbreon101 wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
Good luck with that
Have you noticed almost all of those fail. Not saying you're is guaranteed to, but "Cool Story Bro" "lolwut" "caramelldansen" ":iconimhappyplz: "Dramatic Chipmunk......" there's not that many when you think about it.
i know theyll probably fail, but i make them for the fun of it, and to see how many people remix it, not for popularity or anything like that. i just like to make memes 4 some reason.
M'kay, usually it's some weird drawing or picture with a short, snappy quote attached, lolcat style.
not with my memes. i normaly make the survey-type memes.
Umbreon101 wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
Umbreon101 wrote:
i know theyll probably fail, but i make them for the fun of it, and to see how many people remix it, not for popularity or anything like that. i just like to make memes 4 some reason.M'kay, usually it's some weird drawing or picture with a short, snappy quote attached, lolcat style.
not with my memes. i normaly make the survey-type memes.
Ohhh XD Okay, so what about a holiday, animation survey, or video game survey? An anime survey, or somethin' like that.
littletonkslover wrote:
Umbreon101 wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
M'kay, usually it's some weird drawing or picture with a short, snappy quote attached, lolcat style.
not with my memes. i normaly make the survey-type memes.
Ohhh XD Okay, so what about a holiday, animation survey, or video game survey? An anime survey, or somethin' like that.
sounds like a good idea! thanx!
littletonkslover wrote:
Kid, what are you trying to get at? You're reasons are all over the place. I don't really get what you want here.
You can't just create a meme, others will have to like it and use it. A LOT of people. Many people made their own versions of Halloween memes also.
No one expected jinjo
anyone got any more ideas?
anyone? any ideas?
can someone please give me an idea for a survery-style meme?
Think. What picture would be awesome to post all over the web.
Than open Photoshop, and design away.
BlackParade101 wrote:
Think. What picture would be awesome to post all over the web.
Than open Photoshop, and design away.
one problem: i dont have photoshop and i cant buy it. but otherwise, thats a good idea. thanx!
i created a meme!
Last edited by OldWheezerGeezer (2010-11-08 21:29:59)
Umbreon101 wrote:
BlackParade101 wrote:
Think. What picture would be awesome to post all over the web.
Than open Photoshop, and design problem: i dont have photoshop and i cant buy it. but otherwise, thats a good idea. thanx!
Well, uh, in that case open Paint (grrr...) and design away.
Before I tell you ideas, lemme tell ya how easy I came up with one: Fu Man Awesome!!
I was doing my math at school, and then i was done. So i decided to draw on the back of the paper. I came up with: 2 big black eyes (filled in) with any mouth, and a FU MAN CHU. THIS LED TO FU MAN AWESOME!!
Ideas: Since you said Dragons, how about....... they are cowards OR steal popular cool stuff (skyrim, wow, assassins creed etc.) How do you like that? XD
Okay guys, I have an idea, but I is gonna use it so 2 bad 4 U!
when gf clicked
get [Scratcher's Block!] for (ever)
How about a Me about yourself? Like i made a meme Are You Like Lizzyhippo. Try something like that! Let me know when your meme is done so i can remix!
I can't think of a meme you could make, but I sort of know how to make one. You just need to make something that seems really stupid, like a cat with a pop-tart body that s**** rainbows or a creepy face that likes "trolling" people. Usually each meme has some sort of personality or something it always does (ex. trolling) and anything that uses the meme has its own made up vocabulary (ex. trolling). Also, the memes usualy are simple, but alost imposible to draw right. I hope that helped!
Make? Internet meme? Good luck.
you could start one where you paste the Scratch cat's face over the faces random pictures of people and add in a quote.
You make one where you paste the image of the scratch cat's face over a sumo wrestler and you could put:
"Sumo got scratched" but have it be more funny (or should I say funny at all)