I have a bunch of backgrounds for a platformer. I accidentally put the background for level 17 in the place of level 14, calling it level14, and vice versa. I put the backgrounds in the right order, but then when I go to change the names, it automatically calls what should be level14 but is titled level17, level18. I have no idea why, and it's really stupid.
Yeah - it's because it wants to name things in order. I find it really hard to rename things to the right number, and the only solution I've found is to rename them all to obscure things and naming them appropriately after that.
a way to do this is to add a random letter after the number. Then (when calling a costume) use the (join[(whatever calls it)][random letter])
Its the annoying way scratch trys to auto-number things.
I hope they make it so that when you change it it stays how you named it in the next version.
You know, you can just call a costume with its number. So if you have a variable that has a value of 3, and use the costume block like this: [Switch to costume (variable)], it will switch to costume #3. But yes, the numbering is annoying because it messes you up.
start at the last (biggest numbered costume) and rename each costume with 3 or 4 random letters. Repeat this all the way back to the costume that won't re-number correctly. Once it is all letters also, re-try numbering it (now it should work) and re-number the rest of the costumes. Also, use a numbering system like this...
02... etc