I'm trying to figure out how to add ease in/ease out on the movements of a sprite when keys are pressed.
So far I only got the regular movements down with this script from a background scroller
<if><key[ left arrow ]pressed?>
<change{ shipx_velocity }by( -1 )
<set{ shipx_velocity }to( (( shipx_velocity <*> .8 ))
<change x by( shipx_velocity )
What do I do to make it ease in? I don't understand this script as it is
I don't know how. Sorry I couldn't help...:c
CheckerMan wrote:
I don't know how. Sorry I couldn't help...:c
Its ok I'm going through the projects online and searching for shooters for the moment.
I found a project called Dead Space by Chris Haynes which has ease in and out AFTER the movement keys are released, but i want it DURING the keys are pressed. Maybe I can work it in somehow