I wanted to mention that the French translation of Scratch is confusing on "Motion" blocks.
The blocks <set x to( and <set y to( are correctly translated.
However, the blocks <change x by( and <change y by( , which are already a bit confusing in English (for me), are translated in French in a way that has really the same meaning the the two other blocks above.
One could think that the four blocks do the same action, i.e. setting an absolute value to x or y.
I'm not sure I've a good proposal to change it, but I would propose something like "modifier x par" and "modifier y par".
I'm sure there is a good reason why the block in English is not called "increment x by", but that would have had made more sense to me (but not for a 5 years old child, OK but well...). That could have been then translated in French by "incrémenter x de" and would perfectly make sense. Moreover, this is not illogical as incrementing by a negative value is easily understood as decrementing.
Hope this helps,