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#1 2008-04-03 20:57:59

Registered: 2008-04-03
Posts: 11

Better Support or Help

I am new here and i don't really know that much about Scratch. It looks interesting but i cant do all the fun things like making cool animations or games. If you click on the support link. You can only find the basics of Scratch. I want to learn more. Still don't know how to make those games like the advanced. And you can't find anyone to help you, this is why i made this topic, for newcomers like me. I know that some people will say:
You have to keep practicing and you will slowly learn more or something like that, but i want to learn now!!!

If i am wrong about the support page on this site and there is something that covers everything about Scratch, please tell me and not get mad for making you read all this for nothing.

Last edited by AnAlien (2008-04-03 21:00:35)



#2 2008-04-03 21:06:29

Scratch Team
Registered: 2007-10-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Better Support or Help

There are many people that will help if you let them know what you want to learn.  I agree that getting beyond the basics is not well documented anywhere.  But there are a number of good example projects out there that you can check out.  See this forum thread...



#3 2008-04-04 01:56:47

Registered: 2007-05-25
Posts: 100+

Re: Better Support or Help

Also, some of the projects you see here have been produced by some very talented programmers who would probably admit that Scratch was not the best programming language to have written them in.

But they made them just to prove they could do it - in the same way some people try to climb Everest without oxygen  smile

Start off simple - for an animation - just make a picture - copy it to the next costume- alter it - and repeat until you've got something - then just write a simple program change costumes and you'll soon have an animation.

For games - look at how some of the simple projects that come with scratch have been done and  start changing things and see what happens.





#4 2008-04-04 14:32:13

Registered: 2008-04-03
Posts: 11

Re: Better Support or Help

Thank you Paddle2see and SimpleScratch but i still think that the support page should have more.



#5 2008-04-09 16:55:53

Registered: 2008-04-03
Posts: 11

Re: Better Support or Help

Sorry for double posting.
Paddle2see, if you think that if i ask someone and they will help me, then could you help me?



#6 2008-04-09 17:28:10

Scratch Team
Registered: 2007-10-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Better Support or Help

AnAlien wrote:

Sorry for double posting.
Paddle2see, if you think that if i ask someone and they will help me, then could you help me?

I'd be happy to give it a try...what seems to be your problem?  You have no projects shared yet so there is nothing for me to look at.  Sometimes the easiest way to get some help is to share your project online with a description of your problem in the Project Notes.

Or, if you have a clear idea of what you are trying to do, I might be able to point you to a project or a Scratcher that might get you going, if I can't handle it myself.

Last edited by Paddle2See (2008-04-09 17:29:06)



#7 2008-04-23 14:42:00

Registered: 2008-04-03
Posts: 11

Re: Better Support or Help

I'm having the most problem understanding the variables and numbers. Do you have a hotmail? Mabey we can talk. I want to start by learning how to make a simple game like pong or pac-man.



#8 2008-04-23 15:23:40

Community Moderator
Registered: 2007-06-23
Posts: 1000+

Re: Better Support or Help

For variables, you can see it as a piece of paper, where you can write numbers on.

'Set myvariable to 1' writes "1" on the paper.
Now i can use (myvariable) in a formula.
Like: say [ myvariable + 2 ] will say "3" (1+2)

an example:


set my money to 10

When i receive [spend my money!]
if money > 2 or money = 2
    say [buy French fries!]
    set money to (money - 2)
if money > 1.20 or money = 1.20
    say [buy a drink too!]
    set money to (money - 1.20)
if money > 0.50 or money = 0.50
    say [buy a bit of mayonnaise!]
    set money to (money-0.50)

When i receive [earn money]
change money by 5

The change block means the same as (money + ...). This means: changing by a negative number is the same as (money + (-3) ) or (money - 3).
So, it is possible to simplify the first script:


When i receive [spend my money!]
if money > 2 or money = 2
    say [buy French fries!]
    change money by -2
if money > 1.20 or money = 1.20
    say [buy a drink too!]
    change money by -1.20
if money > 0.50 or money = 0.50
    say [buy a bit of mayonnaise!]
    change money by -0.50

It think I have explained all variable-related blocks and their function... I hope it helped!


Last edited by JSO (2008-04-23 15:24:04)



#9 2008-04-25 21:21:47

Registered: 2008-04-03
Posts: 11

Re: Better Support or Help

Thanks Joren , it kinda helped me understand.

Is any manager or mod gonna look at this and and actually listen to my suggestion, or am i just wasting my time?



#10 2008-05-18 21:14:53

Registered: 2008-04-03
Posts: 11

Re: Better Support or Help

Bump up



#11 2008-05-18 22:24:39

Registered: 2007-07-19
Posts: 100+

Re: Better Support or Help

AnAlien wrote:

I am new here and i don't really know that much about Scratch. It looks interesting but i cant do all the fun things like making cool animations or games. If you click on the support link. You can only find the basics of Scratch. I want to learn more. Still don't know how to make those games like the advanced. And you can't find anyone to help you, this is why i made this topic, for newcomers like me. I know that some people will say:
You have to keep practicing and you will slowly learn more or something like that, but i want to learn now!!!

If i am wrong about the support page on this site and there is something that covers everything about Scratch, please tell me and not get mad for making you read all this for nothing.

Sounds like you might be able to get some benefit from studying Scratch programming tutorials.  See

Dick Baldwin
Free Alice tutorials:
Free Scratch tutorials:
Free Java/C#, etc. tutorials:

Dick Baldwin - Don't get stuck scratching. When you master Scratch, move on up to more serious programming languages. Free online programming tutorials:
Scratch - Alice - Java - C# - C++ - JavaScript - XML - Python - DSP



#12 2008-05-19 15:15:36

Registered: 2007-05-19
Posts: 500+

Re: Better Support or Help

AnAlien wrote:

Is any manager or mod gonna look at this and and actually listen to my suggestion, or am i just wasting my time?

They will probably see it.
When I started learning Scratch I found the best way to get better was to play around with it. Try to figure out what blocks do and how to program. Downloading projects to see how they work is also a great idea!




#13 2008-05-20 17:53:10

Registered: 2008-05-01
Posts: 100+

Re: Better Support or Help

AnAlien wrote:

Thanks Joren , it kinda helped me understand.

Is any manager or mod gonna look at this and and actually listen to my suggestion, or am i just wasting my time?


Don't worry - we hear you  smile

Thanks for your feedback, we are always working on ways to improve the site.  While we hope to soon add features that make it easier for new users to jump right in, we want to emphasize that our community of users is the best resource for learning and sharing information. 

Our goal is to make it easier for you to find the answers you need and we will be working on ways to better manage and organize the helpful communications and advice our users are already sharing.

Thanks again for your suggestions, we always appreciate feedback from the community!



#14 2008-05-21 10:38:39

Registered: 2008-04-03
Posts: 11

Re: Better Support or Help

Dbal, i will take a look at  your tutorials when i get home. Right now i am at school, sneaking on this website, lol.

Relyt, i do that a lot, but i still think that there should be a better help page.

YEAH! A manager finally heard me. Thank you mletreat.



#15 2008-05-21 10:46:31

Registered: 2007-07-19
Posts: 100+

Re: Better Support or Help

AnAlien wrote:

Dbal, i will take a look at  your tutorials when i get home. Right now i am at school, sneaking on this website, lol.

Relyt, i do that a lot, but i still think that there should be a better help page.

Have you discovered the Reference Guide.  It's not perfect, but isn't bad.  In case you haven't found it yet, click on the Want Help? button at the top of the user interface.

You can also right-click on individual blocks in the toolbox to get help for them.  Sometimes that help is good, sometimes not so good.  Probably depends on who wrote it.

Dick Baldwin
Free Alice tutorials:
Free Scratch tutorials:
Free Java/C#, etc. tutorials:

Dick Baldwin - Don't get stuck scratching. When you master Scratch, move on up to more serious programming languages. Free online programming tutorials:
Scratch - Alice - Java - C# - C++ - JavaScript - XML - Python - DSP



#16 2008-05-26 20:26:27

Registered: 2008-04-03
Posts: 11

Re: Better Support or Help

It is great im learning alot. Thanks dbal



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