if you want to be a critic for Scratch Awards, please tell me here or here: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/13727. the critics that we currently need are Best art and Best Music. please reply soon! we need critics that will judge ASAP!
for which category?
funkymonkey whose name can be changed by hackers who know what they're doing wrote:
iblah blah blah critic blah blah blah!
i love criticizing other peoples work! don't get me wrong, i'm a nice guy in person. i'll be a critic if you join my galley.
go to 'the ultimate' gallery. it opened yesterday but will work it's way to the top.
adriangl wrote:
what are the choices?
funkymonkey wrote:
for which category?
right now there is only best music
relyt12101 wrote:
I'll do Best Art if it's not already taken.
i already sked boopaloo, but if she says no, then you can be the best art and adriangl can be best music
adriangl is the new critic for best music, relyt12101 s the new critic for best art
Cool.You switched them in the gallery though, it says I'm the music critic! You might want to fix that.