Jacobo wrote:
Advanced Challenge: Decisions, Decisions
This is an interessting challenge. First you have to make up a story with multiple outcomes. The project should start out with a "debreif" of the first chapter. Then you get a choice of this, or that. After that choice you get go to another "chapter" and get two more choices. There should be two choices at every chapter and 6 chapters. The story should be an adventure of some kind.
6 chapters........................................20pts
2 choices at every chapter...................15pts
An adventure....................................10pts
cool. i might do this one
Advanced Challenge: Decisions, Decisions
This is an interessting challenge. First you have to make up a story with multiple outcomes. The project should start out with a "debreif" of the first chapter. Then you get a choice of this, or that. After that choice you get go to another "chapter" and get two more choices. There should be two choices at every chapter and 6 chapters. The story should be an adventure of some kind.
6 chapters........................................20pts
2 choices at every chapter...................15pts
An adventure....................................10pts
That's 36 different choices! (6 squared)
me wanna join:<change y by(
Jacobo wrote:
Attention Kids!!!!
It's time for the younger generation of Scratchers to join together. Join the Kids Club! Every week or so there will be a new challenge. The challenge will involve making some sort of project. If you are kid and a member you can make a project for the challenge. You can either enter it in a contest, get it graded, or just share it for fun. If it's really good you could get an honorable mention. You can get help from an adult if you want to, but YOU have to share it. When you enter it post the link here and tag it with KC. In project notes make sure you specify if you want it enter in a contest, get it graded, or your just sharing it for fun..
Current Members: Jacobo, D97, Toasty, Lanie, Shifter, chocoholicmonkey, Dthen, pinkhollyspark, SonicPops, funkymonkey, Gaargirl, SuperSmashBroteam, big-bang, Peilikuva, Jman20, Fret315, axel600, redsooty9, bosox397, keaster, Alexzea, Logan996, Zelda123, Trav10, fluffyfluflu2, HarryPotterGal, silversparrow97, deatheater, iliketwinkies, Coolstuff
Number of Members:29
Beginner Challenge: MP3
The challenge is to create a virtual mp3 player. It should have at least 3 songs, and you should be able to play, stop, and skip to the next song. Add a cool skin for the player. For extra credit add multtiple skins. Have fun!
at least 3 songs................................................15pts
actually works..................................................10pts
play, stop, and skip............................................10pts
Cool Skin.........................................................10pts
Multiple Skins (extra credit).................................5pts
Advanced Challenge: Decisions, Decisions
This is an interessting challenge. First you have to make up a story with multiple outcomes. The project should start out with a "debreif" of the first chapter. Then you get a choice of this, or that. After that choice you get go to another "chapter" and get two more choices. There should be two choices at every chapter and 6 chapters. The story should be an adventure of some kind.
6 chapters........................................20pts
2 choices at every chapter...................15pts
An adventure....................................10pts
Elite Challenge: Circuits
This is a fun challenge that I am looking forward to doing. You start out with an unfinished ciruit. Two wires are not connected. At the bottom of your screen are 6 objects. You have to try to determine wether the objects are insulators, or conductors by putting them in th incomplete section of the circuit. Then you categorize them in either insulator or conductur. Once you have finished you press done to see if you were right. You should be able to tell if it is a conducter when the light bulb in the circuit lights up.
Can categorize objects by insulator or conducter...........15pts
Bulb lights up when circuit is complete with conductor......10pts
Done Button..........................................................15pts
<when green flag clicked>
<say[ Keep on Scratching!
i made a MP3 player. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/axel600/163359
1) can i join 2) can i enter multiple classes (I made a MP3 player previousally that i can add skins to and i could make the circut
Jacobo wrote:
Attention Kids!!!!
Elite Challenge: Circuits
This is a fun challenge that I am looking forward to doing. You start out with an unfinished ciruit. Two wires are not connected. At the bottom of your screen are 6 objects. You have to try to determine wether the objects are insulators, or conductors by putting them in th incomplete section of the circuit. Then you categorize them in either insulator or conductur. Once you have finished you press done to see if you were right. You should be able to tell if it is a conducter when the light bulb in the circuit lights up.
Can categorize objects by insulator or conducter...........15pts
Bulb lights up when circuit is complete with conductor......10pts
Done Button..........................................................15pts
<when green flag clicked>
<say[ Keep on Scratching!
Made it