I'm still working on the next to challenges. If you dont beleive in global warming, do 10 ways to help te enviorment. I have a friend who doesn't beleive in global warming. We get into "debates" alot, though he denies everything I say with NO. He doesn't even show proof. Do you beleive in Global Warming Toasty?
Last edited by Jacobo (2008-04-21 14:50:13)
i believe in it! im almost done with my global warming project
Global Warming is kind of inevitable. Anyway, this thread is getting a little bit off topic. If someone would like to continue this "disscusion" on global warming please post a new thread.
lol. here's my global warming project for the challenge: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/planetX/145678
Yeah Lanie, that's what I mean after studying hard for 3 months I've finally come up with a speech that is 7 pages long about the human influence (or the apt of it) in Global Warming. At the moment the currents are actually making the world colder, so we will have a lower average temperature, it's got nothing to do with us it's just the Earth's cycle. I'm all for conserving fossil fules and how can recycling ever be a bad thing? But we should do that anyway, not just because of the threat of Global Warming
hello you did not listen to me when i asked if i could join
sorry i was a little to harsh though
i am a kid. XD i guess i would like to join!
How do i join ur club???
Last edited by iliketwinkies (2008-04-23 19:10:39)
Can we have an animation contest sometime
Last edited by deatheater (2008-04-24 18:00:51)
Jacobo wrote:
Attention Kids!!!!
It's time for the younger generation of Scratchers to join together. Join the Kids Club! Every week or so there will be a new challenge. The challenge will involve making some sort of project. If you are kid and a member you can make a project for the challenge. You can either enter it in a contest, get it graded, or just share it for fun. If it's really good you could get an honorable mention. You can get help from an adult if you want to, but YOU have to share it. When you enter it post the link here and tag it with KC. In project notes make sure you specify if you want it enter in a contest, get it graded, or your just sharing it for fun..
Current Members: Jacobo, D97, Toasty, Lanie, Shifter, chocoholicmonkey, Dthen, pinkhollyspark, SonicPops, funkymonkey, Gaargirl, SuperSmashBroteam, big-bang, Peilikuva, Jman20, Fret315, axel600, redsooty9, bosox397, keaster, Alexzea, Logan996, Zelda123, Trav10, fluffyfluflu2, HarryPotterGal, silversparrow97, deatheater, iliketwinkies
Number of Members:29
Beginner Challenge: Global Warming
This Tuesday, April 22, is Earth day. The challenge is to make a project teaching the viewer 10 ways to prevent global warming. It should be like a slideshow. When you press space, the next "way" appears. Here's a good site: http://environment.about.com/od/globalwarming/tp/globalwarmtips.htm ATTENTION!!!!! GIVE CREDIT TO ANY SITES YOU USED, OR YOUR PROJECT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Also, add an picture or animation with each slide. SeePlanet X's project as a really good example.
Credit to sites.............................................qualification
10 ways..............................................................30pts
Press space for next slide.......................................10pts
Advanced Challenge: Solar Panels or Windmills
The challenge is to make a project about solar panels or windmills. Explain why we should use them. You could even add why we shouldn't use them, or why some people don't like them. Also, explain HOW they get their energy. Finnaly, list the number of Windmills or Solar Panels in your state/country.
about solar panels or windmills........................................20pts
pros and cons.............................................................10pts
# of windmills or solarpanels.in your state/country.................5pts
Elite Challenge: Alien Guess Who
Make a game of Guess Who, the board game. There's a difference though. You have to make all the people aliens. There are different ways you could do this, so think carefully.
Follows the Basis of the Original Board Game......15pts
All characetrs are aliens..............................15pts
Multyplayer or has a "Virtual Player"................10pts
<when green flag clicked>
<say[ Keep on Scratching!
here is my Ten Ways to Prevent Global Warming Project!
I'm joining! I'll do the "Elite Challenge" and the "Advanced Challenge". When do they have to be in by?