hmmm... maybe i'll make one. are you going to judge them or anything?
Jacobo can I please join?
Sorry but is it alright if I quit this club?
when will the next challenge come out?
Everybody who asked to leave or join can do so. Funkymonkey, the projects can be graded if you want me to. Yo can also get them graded and entered in the contest. Contest winners will be chose Thursday, because there will be a new challenge Friday.
Last edited by Jacobo (2008-04-02 19:56:17)
Jacobo wrote:
Attention Kids!!!!
It's time for the younger generation of Scratchers to join together. Join the Kids Club. Every 2 weeks or so, a new challenge will be presented. Details and criteria will be given on the challenge. The challenged will involve making some sort of project. If you are kid and a member you can make a project for the challenge. You can either enter it in a contest, get it graded, or just share it for fun. If it's really good you could get an honorable mention. You can get help from an adult if you want to, but YOU have to share it. When you enter it post the link here and tag it with KC. In project notes make sure you specify if you want it enter in a contest, get it graded, or your just sharing it for fun.
Current Members: Jacobo, D97, Toasty, Lanie, Shifter, chocoholicmonkey, Dthen, pinkhollyspark, SonicPops, funkymonkey
Current Challenge: Make a Warping Painting
The challenge is to make a Warping Painting. Get a picture of a famous painting from the internet. Using graphic effects make the picture change depending on where your mouse is.
For example: … ffect1.gif
Don't make it TOO fancy. Add a little tune that replays and make a cool background. Make sure you note the name and artist of the painting. I made an exaple:
Note: Sorry about the calculator. I trie to make one and found it very hard. Other users did too. So I changed the challenge. I did find a project with a calculator if anyone wants to see it.
Has at least three graphic effects.....................10pts
Graphic effects change based on mouse.............20pts
Music & Background......................................10pts
Says the name of artist & painting......................6pts
<when green flag clicked>
<say[ Keep on Scratching!
If I won shouldn't there be a new challenge?
i dont really understand but check out my game
what are are you shouting toasty? zachandrew0123 only spammed a topic.
Sorry I didn't mean to react like that but I sort of did it before I could stop myself, zachandrew has probably spammed everything in existance he'll comment politely saying 'It's Good' without even looking at it and then say look at my project if he could spam his mum he would
can i join? i am the SuperSmashBroteam