There should be additions for basic string-handling operators.
Replace (string,strold,strnew): Replaces all occurances of 'strold' in 'string' with 'strnew'
Substring (string, start, end): The part of the string starting at position 'Start' and ending at position 'End'.
These three could probably be in one block, like the 'other' math operators are:
Lower(string): The lowercase version of the string
Upper(string): The uppercase version of the string
Reverse(string): The reversed string (reading backwards)
Thanks! Sorry about forgetting that one from the first post.
Sorry but what does that all mean?
steppenwulf wrote:
Sorry but what does that all mean?
A string is basically a variable that's text rather than numbers: for instance, "the" is a string.
This suggestion involves changing these numbers in certain ways: for example, capitalizing it all, searching for a string inside a string, etc.